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Time Finder Framework coaching package

Experience the transformation of literally (and lovingly) putting yourself first

    Moms, you've heard it all before

  • Be sure to practice self care

  • If you don't put yourself first, who will?

  • Put on your own oxygen mask before helping others

  • Ok, message received. But HOW!?

If you're ready to put yourself first, grab your Time Finder coaching package now.

Schedule, pay, and pregame through the calendar below.
If you don't see a day/time that works, email [email protected] with 3 options. Let's find a time!


In the Time Finder Framework I'll help you see:

  • Your baseline needs and how to get them met. These are the non-negotiables you require for sustainable maintenance of a good life.

  • What you need to thrive — How to feel great in the moment, in your day, in your life.

  • How to make time for yourself. We'll get super specific so you can start coming back to yourself the day we start.

  • How to talk to your family members about this in a way that of COURSE they will support you.

What moms are saying


After we talked I arranged more childcare, recommitted to my personal training time, and scheduled date night with my husband every Thursday. I feel amazing. This weekend was wonderful. No Sunday night rage!

— A.R., San Francisco, CA, mom of 2

Cary F.S.

I enjoyed being able to talk out my daily and weekly schedule in order to figure out what was and wasn't working. Talking it through and being asked relevant questions helped me to realize where I needed guidance.

— Cary F.S., San Francisco, CA, mom of 2

Friday A.

Taking a deep breath, owning the reality of it, and finding a way around it was really the most powerful thing that you gave me.

— Friday A., San Francisco, CA, mom of 1

Alison M

One of the things that has stuck with me specifically is just how nice it was for somebody to listen so intently and witness challenges. 

- Alison M., East Providence, Rhode Island, mom of 2

Jay Jay

I feel safe in your "non-judgey" aura.

- Jay Jay, San Francisco, CA, mom of 3


Here's what's included in the Time Finder Framework

  • Intake questionnaire so we can get straight to it

  • 50-minute Time Finder session on Zoom

  • Two 30-minute follow-up Zoom sessions (for use within 3 months, because we're about taking action to make changes now)

  • Customized actionable insights report and workbook

  • The framework includes habit forming, gratitude, reflection, boundaries, mindfulness, and more — all in a practical, accessible, approachable way. I won't leave anything up in the sky 


  • THREE MONTHS of private 1:1 text and voice message support for follow-up questions, accountability, trouble-shooting, and sounding board. I'm in the messaging app at least once a day. Value: $227

  • Access to my appointment book for future sounding board and trouble-shooting sessions

  • As an established client you'll get first dibs on future high-touch experiences such as live online workshops and group lesson series

  • A 15% off coupon good for any one Ready Set Moms digital product

By the end of our first session:

  • You'll have clarity on what's been lacking

  • You'll learn how to make time for yourself

  • You'll know the actions you can start taking to get more of what you need to thrive

  • You'll know how to communicate your needs to your family

  • You'll believe you have enough time to take care of yourSELF, your people, and your home

  • Two weeks after our first session:

  • These approaches will feel like second nature

  • You'll find yourself in flow and enjoying your time

  • You'll feel lighter, more aligned, more intuitive

Have you had enough of not having enough?
Let's find time.

Schedule, pay, and pregame with the BUY NOW button.


Questions? Let's get them answered.

Email me at [email protected] or send me a message on Instagram @ready.set.moms and I'll do my best to get back to you within a day.

About Me — Erika Friday, founder of Ready Set Moms

One of my clients put it this way: By bringing both insight and structure, I help her feel capable.

I built my career as a copywriter and creative director on making the complex simple and the simple clear. Now with Ready Set Moms I bring those skills to our challenges as parents -- anything from household management to managing our tempers.

Every tool, course, and coaching package you'll find here will help you be both prepared and present.

Prepared is the stuff, the systems, the lists; these are the tools that help you run your household. 

Present is the mindset, how you show up, how you feel, and how you connect with your family.

In addition to being an effective thinker and communicator, I'm also someone people like to be around! I lead with the questions, not answers. I listen deeply and connect. I'm able to see your situation, reflect back to you what part you already know, and lead you back to your own intuition. Just like a personal trainer doesn't do the reps for you, I help you tune in to your own answers within. 

You can get a sense of my personality and style in my Instagram feed. Please pop into my DMs with a text or voice message. I'd love to connect with you and answer any questions you might have!

If you're ready to tap into your inner knowing and start doing motherhood differently, I'm here for you.