Do any of these sound like you?
You're always forgetting something, or you fear you might be
You're constantly in a rush
It's all on you to make sure everyone has what they need
Heading out for family fun times seems more trouble than it's worth
If so, this is your chance to stop stressing and start letting it be easy.
This 7-page guide is right for you, if you want to:
Get clear on what you actually need for a successful outing
Stop racking your brain every time you leave the house
Get everyone on the same page, literally; it shouldn't be all on you
Lighten your own burden while teaching your family responsibility
Look forward to family fun times, and actually enjoy them in the moment
Plan ahead for seasonal fun so you'll have what you need when you need it
Here's what you get in your instant download:
Every Day Sanity Saver
Mindful School Mornings
Sun & Swim Gear List
Snow Gear List
Hike Gear List
Flexible functionality to meet your preferences: Instant digital download of fillable PDFs you can customize, print, or use digitally
A combination of visual + text to empower pre-readers
Streamlined digital versions you can drop into your favorite checklist app (like Apple Notes or Google Keep)
Instead of feeling hassled, you'll feel ready.
Instead of worrying you forgot something, you'll know you're set.
Are you ready to let it be easy? Add Good to Go to your cart and start streamlining your out-the-door operations today!