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Ready Set Moms Do Laundry mini-course

Your guide to doing
the chore that’s never done

Mini course Ready Set Moms Do Laundry iPad

Laundry is one of those things we think SHOULDN’T be hard.

Everyone has to do it, right?

But if we’re honest: It IS hard for some of us at least some of the time.

Once we admit that, we can do something about it.

And this mini-course — Ready Set Moms Do Laundry — shows you how.

But it doesn’t just show you how. It sets you up with a just-right-for-you system for letting laundry be easier from now on.

So get ready to set aside feeling overwhelmed and resentful (even ashamed) about how hard it can feel to do this chore that's never done.

And get ready to feel like laundry is just another thing you handle with ease. It fits into the flow of your days/weeks. Your family’s on board. Communication and cooperation are effortless.

Yes — all that and clean underwear, too.

WARNING:  If you just want someone to tell you what to do, this isn’t for you.

I personally hate it when someone crowns herself an expert and says, “Do it my way and life won’t be hard anymore.”

Instead of telling you to do it how I do it, I'll help you pinpoint:

  • Why it's hard for YOU

  • What's important to YOU

  • What good will look like for YOU

  • Then I’ll lead you to design a system for getting the laundry done without frustration, nagging, or overwhelm.

    HINT: It’s not going to be all on you anymore.

    Ready Set Moms Do Laundry Together

    In each of the 6 quick modules you get:

  • A 2- to 5-minute video to get you clear and engaged

  • A short PDF with concepts + ideas + worksheets (Use on tablet or computer, or print before or after you complete the worksheets)

  • What we cover:

  • How the way you're thinking about laundry makes a basic household task feel so overwhelming (I love you), and how to change your thinking

  • How to get caught up on all the laundry in your house (I'm serious, it's possible) and how to put a new system in place so you never get buried under it again

  • How to get your family members involved, no matter how young or old they are

  • How to apply this effective approach to other areas of managing your household

  • OK — you might be thinking, “Good grief, lady, aren’t you overthinking this a bit?”

    Fair point. But here’s the thing: *I’ve* done all the overthinking for you. And I can lead you through it now so you Never. Think. About. Laundry. Again.

    It just gets done. 

    By the end of this mini-course you'll have:

  • A system for how laundry gets done in your family

  • Ways to organize your ideas and your space to make laundry EASY

  • Methods to stay on track, get back on track, and pivot as needed

  • Realistic approaches for getting your family members on board, including age-appropriate expectations

  • A repeatable framework you can apply to any area of your mom-life (We're doing way more than fixing your laundry problem here)

  • Bonus printables!

    Ready Set Moms Do Laundry Preview 6 bonus printable pages
  • Habits, good and bad, tend to multiply

  • Customizable Laundry Cheat Sheet (so people set the machines the “right” way)

  • Bed-making anatomy (for those with bed-wetters or limited storage)

  • Pretreat Cheat Sheet

  • Product recommendations

  • Raising Responsible, Capable Humans (get your family involved, from baby through teen)